Posted by: lightening | November 22, 2009

Stan Wins Australian Idol

It always fascinates me watching Christians who end up in the spotlight.

Stan never made a secret of the fact that he was a Christian throughout his Australian Idol journey. He even went so far as to sing an evangelical version of Amazing Grace. It was beautiful!

The judges respected his stance.

Obviously the Australian public has also respected his beliefs.

Because he was voted Australian Idol for 2009.

Go Australia.

Go Stan.

And Go God!!!


  1. Amen to that!!

  2. I did hear myself scream and felt tears run down my face when Stan won.. ! THis was the first time we have ever watched Idol as a family. There were mixed reactions but all in all we were all pleased. Just praying that Stan doesnt get distracted by the pressures of fame and music companies.

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